Tag: the fixers
Dougie Middle
The kid brother of Ratt Middle, Dougie Middle has been picked on his entire life, despite being a good ten years younger than Ratt, making for a rather sad existence. […]
Great Lopkin
The altar-ego of Xylophonist Bianchi for Halloween, only Xylophonist kept the costume on because it was warm. Championship History SCFL Pro World Championship
Let Liu
Let Liu is a college student under the thrall of his mother, a domineering woman who takes her former husband’s leaving out on Let. A quiet boy, Liu is not […]
Xylophonist Bianchi
Part of the substitute series, Xylophonist Bianchi substitute teaches xylophone in Belgium. He was unaware he even had family in the United States, let alone a family that participated in […]