Category: Roster
Weather Walker
Weather Walker is massive presence in the middleweight division — literally. The Irish/Cherokee monster is 6-3 with a massive weight cut for weigh-ins. It gives him a reach and size […]
Wigwamm Watanabe
Considered one of the biggest assholes in SCFL, Wigwamm is known to taunt his opponents until oblivion. Be it his own or theirs. If Wigwamm only put an effort into […]
Wim Nijman
Oss! Wim Nijman is a Dutchman through and through, a striker with a strong Dutch-based pedigree with trainers including “Dirty” Bob Schrjiber and Jan Plas. Wim has traveled the glove […]
Xylophonist Bianchi
Part of the substitute series, Xylophonist Bianchi substitute teaches xylophone in Belgium. He was unaware he even had family in the United States, let alone a family that participated in […]
Zoning Zhang
Behind the 29-year-old ex-con’s back, the rest of Belly Ribbon Fight Camp laughs. Zoning Zhang is considered the jobber of Beliribun, losing multiple fights while he was in the clink […]
Zoraostriani Brown
A man who has only lived half of the life expected of a male model, Zoraostriani Brown has always been held back by his relatively tiny mouth. Because of his […]