Garden Greene

The vegan Frenchman is fighting to raise awareness for veganism. He hopes his fighting and winning, and even his losing can show people that veganism is the only way to eat. […]

Gary Bollea

Gary Bollea is the son of Horace Hogan, who in turn, is the nephew of Hulk Hogan. Gary great up hating the “family business” of pro wrestling, and decided to […]

Gene Greene

Defeated Discussion Davis for the championship after his last historic run, Gene is best known for beating up a fellow dad at his kid’s soccer game with an aluminum baseball […]

Giovanni Dinner

Giovanni Dinner is a man with only two passions, Mama Dinner’s marinara, and winning pro wrestling matches. He has traveled all the way from Italy to showcase his Mama’s sauce […]

Gordon Garabaldi

Gordon Garabaldi has never met a man that he couldn’t entice with his money or his power. Those that opposed him, well, their life got difficult, so-to-speak. He believes that […]

Gordon Kuntz

Gordon Kuntz is extremely Canadian, and a big fan of dirt rock music. A longtime jiu-jitsu practitioner, Gordon quickly moved to the world of kickboxing by joining SCFL, and aligning […]

Gorvis Rogers

Gorvis Rogers grew up in Atlanta, in extreme poverty. At the tender young age of 12, he turned to the “gray market” to help his family. He became of of […]

Great Lopkin

The altar-ego of Xylophonist Bianchi for Halloween, only Xylophonist kept the costume on because it was warm. Championship History SCFL Pro World Championship  

Gyro Supreme

God damnit. Gyro Supreme is the strange, by-default patriarch of the Supreme family and automobile empire. After the untimely death of his older brother, Fetta, and his wife Darla in […]