The Daddy-Son Dance II
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The Daddy-Son dance is a special thing for Beliribon, Iowa. It’s a time of year when fathers and father figures are honored through violence, and live leaders have their mediocre mentorship put on a pedestal for all to consider.
This year, the Daddy-Son tournament is back on Father’s Day, and eight teams with questionable relationships will hopefully talk through their issues and win three fights to become Daddy-Son tournament champions, and no.1 contenders to the tag titles.
Will Gyro Supreme and Sanders Supreme team up like they did last year, when they made it to the finals only to lose to the late Mickey Kelly and Kelley Kelly? The fallout from the wedding is still upon us…
Those very tag titles will be on the line tonight, as the LOST Boyz welcome hard-hitting Belly Ribbon tag contenders Garden Greene and Computer Collins, with CPU recently being crowned kickboxing champ after a vicious KO of panda man Wim Nijman.
Watch SCFL Pro Presents: Sunday Night Fights – Computer vs. Wim from SCFLPro on www.twitch.tv
New Dot TV champ Foundation Russo will also defend his belt against Patty Acosta, while Gene Green, also a questionable father, will defend his Scramble Pan.
What relationships will be mended? What relationships will be soured? What magical fatherhood moment will happen Sunday Night at 10pm est on SCFL Fire Pro Wrestling World?