WATCH: SCFL Pro Goodbye to Sadness/Requiem

Results, SCFL Pro

The finale of Sadness Season in a socially distant North Beliribuon High gymnasium and all purpose room.

SCFL 3/27/2020March Sadness III
SCRAMBLEOfficer Richards(C) vs. Nightsbane Kvlt vs. Patty Acosta vs. Especially Esposito vs. YAKUZA vs. Brick Roberts vs. Eosinophil Rossi vs. PegasoE. EspositoNew Champ77.00%17:39
Dot.TVFoundation Russo(C) vs. Clark ClarkCLARKNew Champ75.00%13:16
Falls Count AnywhereTechnology Cooper vs. Freddy FischerTech Co-op83.00%16:14
HardcoreOctober Schmidt(C) vs. Darwin Finch(?)OctoberRetains88.00%28:23
SHOOT TITLEActually Bike Bianchi vs. Credit Lewis vs. Boxing BianchiNate BIKENew real champ 90.00%28:21
Unified TagLOST Boyz – (Until Robert/Both Ferrari) vs. Cold Justice (Wim Nijman/January Hill)BOYzretains100.00%24:56
US WORLD TITLEJensen Woods(C) vs. Sanders SuzukiSandersNew Champ100%22:25